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Organisation and structure 

ERNICA has a governance structure that gives healthcare professionals and organisations involved in the care and research of scare inherited and congenital malformations the opportunity for continuous exchange of knowledge and best practices.

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The ERNICA coordination office is based at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Coordinator: Prof. dr. René Wijnen

Project managers: Iris den Uijl, Sara Roman Galdran and Romee van Steekelenburg


ERNICA has a governance structure that gives healthcare professionals and organisations involved in the care and research of scare inherited and congenital malformations the opportunity for continuous exchange of knowledge and best practices. Exchange of best practices is ensured via both vertical (work streams and working groups) and horizontal organisational structures (work packages).

The work steams are divided into different working groups. The rationale for having these working groups is to allow for focused projects, and collaboration with patient support groups on a disease- specific level. Workstreams and working groups are co-led by ERNICA healthcare professionals and patient representatives where possible.

ERNICA coordination team 

Malformations of digestive sytem

Work streams

Malformations of the diaphragm and abdominal wall 

Disease-specific working groups 

Fetal medicine (working group) 

Transition and adult care (working group) 

Implementation (central support team) 

Nutrition (working group) 

Transversal working groups 

WP1: Coordination

WP2: Dissemination

WP3: Evaluation

WP8: Capacity builting and best practices sharing for Ukrainian competent authorities and healthcare units

WP9: Other activities for Ukrainian competent authorities and healthcare units

WP11: Networking

Cross-disease workpackages

ERNICA board 

1 representative from each ERNICA (full) member Up to 6 patient representatives (/ePAG advocates)

Supporting partners

* Patient organisations registered in Europe that do not have a designated representative in the ePAG. 

* Patient organisations registered and operating outside of Europe
* Individual patients or family members

* Social media-based patient support groups

Thanks for submitting!

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ERNICA is funded by the European Union. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and it his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. 

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